To celebrate our 100th episode, we hosted a show at our Hubbard Digital Academy and looked back at how social media and digital marketing has changed in the 3 years we’ve had our podcast.
- Episode 1 – The Pokemon GO Craze, Instagram Stories and Olympic Lockdown
- Episode 3: Why Influencer Marketing is the Next Big Thing
- Episode 4: Social Media Analytics: What and How to Measure
- Episode 26: Changing Your Business from a Location to a Destination
- Episode 44: Mental Health and Social Media
- Episode 6: Using Video and Where it Fits In Your Social Media Plan
- Episode 14: Everything You Need to Know About Google Analytics
- Episode 12: Politics on Social Media, Getting Started on Pinterest & Facebook Canvas Advertising
- Episode 11: How Hashtags Can Make or Break Your Brand
- Episode 15: How to Create an Integrated Marketing Campaign
- Episode 2: The Makings of a Perfect Social Media Contest
- Episode 27: A Podcast on Podcasting
- PodMN
- 22 Hours podcast
- Episode 59 – The ASMR Trend, Gentle Sounds & Whispers
- Episode 23: The Good Nuggets, the Bad PR, and the Ugly Airways
Episode Transcript
Welcome to the social feed podcast. I’m your host missy. Thank you for listening. This is our 100th episode.Pat 0:08
Audience with us today. We’re at we’re at our Hubbard digital Academy recording live on stage during lunchtime. And so everyone else is stuffing their faces. And we just get to watch them eat. hungry.
Jayna 0:22
We have some popcorn up here.
Pat 0:25
We’re celebrating 100 episodes. I mean, what three little over three years ago, we started this thing. It was kind of a, hey, let’s just have some fun and do a podcast. And here we are successful hundred episodes later. We’ve come so far we have. So I think today we just want to talk about what’s changed in three years and go back through some of our early episodes. And talk about what’s changed since then, because we talked about some weird stuff at the beginning. I mean, we still talk about weird stuff. I mean, our last episode was on meth, so But I mean the very first episode of is September 2016. And what what was our first topic that we kicked off?
Missy 1:08
Okay, I have to read the title of this the Pokemon GO craze, Instagram stories and the Olympic lockdown which does anyone here still play Pokemon Go? I never did one year when I was like No, it’s not really.
Pat 1:24
Yeah it was for like a month or two it was gigantic and so we’re like let’s talk about it.
Ruth 1:31
Was that like the new Tick Tock?
Missy 1:34
Tick Tock is like the cool new thing now. Well, it’s so funny too, because we have Instagram stories in our first episode and now Instagram Stories are just like there every day. Yeah, your
Pat 1:45
Yeah that was like the beginning of Instagram stories. I think they had just come out, like month or so before we started this and we’re like, are they gonna be gonna be a thing because at that point, Snapchat was still the only one doing stories like that and So you’re like well as Instagram gonna take over are they gonna do well or is Snapchat gonna you know and as we found out over three years Snapchat still there but Instagram Stories definitely.
Missy 2:11
They definitely. Yeah yeah Instagrams King now, yeah. Another episode, which I thought was so funny is why influencer marketing is the next big thing.
Pat 2:23
We were right.
Jayna 2:25
We’re on the cusp of right thing. Yeah.
Missy 2:29
Which is so funny because Megan, you’re actually teaching today at Hubbard Digital Academy about influencer marketing.
Meghan 2:33
Yeah. timely. So the presentation probably looks a little different than what you guys talked about back in What 2016? Was that what it was?
Do you remember how you talked about influencer marketing three years ago?
Missy 2:45
I think it was very much like just this is something you can do like some brands are starting to use it but it was it was nothing like it is today. Like Tell me a few things like your presentation today. Well, for example, it’s new for our presentation today based on what I presented on it. June is that Instagram is starting to remove likes. So that’s definitely going to change the whole scope of Instagram of influencer marketing now. So, I mean, who knows what’s going to happen there, but I know for sure that influencers are going to be focusing more on organic quality content, since they can’t use likes as a selling point to brands anymore. So brands now are going to evaluate based on what their content looks like and the conversations around their content.
Meghan 3:24
It’s crazy just to think about how much and influencer marketing is blown up. Like you
Ruth 3:29
You know what I know about their presentation is that Farrah Fawcett isn’t Nike. The OG- yeah. It’s it’s amazing that really, influencers have always been a thing. It’s just the way that it gets presented is so different. Yeah. Yeah. I was brilliant to put her in there. Well, again, I know who she
Meghan 3:55
Well, it’s funny as Ruth and I were talking a week ago to about influencer marketing, just talking about my presentation and she’s like, honestly, influencers exist in the high school like the cool kid wearing the brand new jeans, you know, it’s been around for a really long time. It’s not just an Instagram thing. However, Instagram has blown it up like crazy influencers can make a lot of money doing this. It’s could be their full time job now, it’s just grown so much
Ruth 4:20
Well, and I think what’s cool about it is that a local business has access to an influencer. Now. You know, nobody had Nikes budget, you know, right, Farrah Fawcett to be their influencer. But now that’s more accessible than it ever has been. So that yeah, that’s so cool.
Meghan 4:36
Well, more customizable to I mean, even even thinking about, I mean, we’re at Hubbard broadcasting, radio endorsements have been basically influencers for radio personalities have been influencers for a long time, but that’s still more along the lines of a big brand sort of thing that you’ve got to be able to spend money to advertise on the radio and pay a talent to talk about your brand and stuff and it’s it’s worked but now social media has made it much more affordable for small businesses and there are just so many more influencers out there in specific niches where you don’t have to hope you get some traction based on big gigantic radio or movie star x.
Missy 5:15
Just gonna say that about the niche audiences that influencer marketing brings, you know, you have like, go after gamers you can go after the like the foodies, the stylist, like there’s so many areas. And that’s the cool thing about social media influencers.
Meghan 5:26
Yeah, and honestly I include this in my presentation too, but an influencer can be anyone. I even say it could be your neighbor because for example, I am just a regular old person on social media and I actually got reached out to a partnership for a brand recently. I’m not an influencer I don’t call myself an influencer, but I think
Pat 5:44
Wow I didn’t know we were talking to a celebrity right now
Meghan 5:45
famous, I’m just trying to say that but no, I’m just a normal person. And now brands are really starting to tap into that because I have friends and I can talk to my friends. So I think that it’s changing even more like that these nano influencers are really growing.
That’s interesting that you took that Instagrams taking away likes because one of the first episodes we did Episode Four I think it was was on social media stats and and measuring social media. Like how is that changed like even for us as an agency how has that changed in three years? Oh my god, how are we measuring stats three years ago?
Missy 6:24
We were probably using like Sprout Social or some tool to measure all of that and now it’s really like all the platforms like think about even Facebook like the data the reporting dashboard and just Facebook alone How much that’s changed over the past three years and Instagram reporting and now we’re moving likes and oh, man, it’s it’s come a long way.
Meghan 6:43
Yeah, what’s funny about Instagram removing likes to is that I think it’s, it’s removing the vanity aspect of Instagram yet, for people that have huge following that gets thousands and thousands of likes, doesn’t it now say like so and so liked it and thousands others or something Like that, and if you have less than however many likes, it just says so and so liked it and others liked it. So like, there’s still a separation of this person super, super popular and this person doesn’t have that many likes, you know?
Missy 7:12
And I’m kind of curious, like, why Instagram is going that route. I was wondering what we think they’re going to be coming up, because there’s no way they’re just gonna take the notes. Yeah. And I’ve always like, we’ve talked about this in past episodes, but will platforms eventually start to charge to use social media. I mean, that’s always in the back of your head, especially businesses like to have a business account. So as every time they do something, I’m like, are they gonna start now? I don’t think they will. But it’s always in the back of my head.
Meghan 7:41
It’s Yeah, I mean, there’s a reason that they’re doing it. Oh, yeah, they’re there I’m sure part of it is is the all the backlash on mental health and what you know what that like stuff does to our brains and everything, but there’s, there’s no reason that’s the only way the only reason for them taking it away. There’s gotta be something. They’ve gotta have something
Ruth 8:00
Yeah, like, just
Unknown Speaker 8:02
like it was just thinking
Ruth 8:05
Missy 8:09
It’s funny too, because we actually did a social feed podcast episode on mental health and social media with adrionna. Just talking about how you know, taking a break from your phone, especially working in social media every day. It’s it’s a lot, I mean, just socially in general is a lot. So working in it is a whole other level. So we had a whole episode about that. But I thought that was really fun. And that’s actually one of our top downloaded episodes to the podcast.
Meghan 8:31
Another one of our big episodes was we did a panel discussion earlier today at HDA was turning your location into a destination and just talking about and it was probably different a couple years ago when we did that episode than it even is today. But talking about what it takes to make people want to come to a retail store. And as digital becomes more and more entrenched in what we do, and we don’t leave our house to shop hardly ever, hardly ever. Like what do you do to make people want to come see you and going back to Instagram it’s make a lot one of the big things is making your store or location visually appealing so people want to take pictures and you know they can can wander lands of the world we had Karen Bachman from Bachmann’s here today and Wolfington was here. And then Rosedale center. Yeah, talking about what they’ve done to make people want to shop at them all and come by their flowers at a at a store and you know,
Missy 9:30
creating that more experiential destination versus just I’m gonna pop in and grab something like whats going to a draw people to come in versus ordering online. You know, if you don’t create it make something cool, then why would I just order it online? Right? Yep. So Pat episode six was using video and where it fits in your social media plan. Has video changed over the past three years
Meghan 9:51
that’s pretty much exactly my presentation that I’m giving. But in 2016, I think At that point, Instagram had just introduced video onto their platform like, up until to 2015 or early 2016. It was just photos on Instagram. And that seems weird to think about now because there are videos all over the place, and video ads on Instagram. But at that point of video was a video and you would just record a video and post it everywhere like you’d put it on your Facebook page, you put it on, if you had a YouTube channel, you’d put the same video everywhere. And I think the biggest thing that we’ve learned in you know, three years of social media video is that everything has to be customized to where you’re publishing the video. If you’re publishing a video on Facebook, it’s got to be different than a video you’re putting on YouTube, or a TrueView ad campaign that you’re doing. The video needs to be structured completely different, let alone if you’re filming it vertically for Instagram stories or you’re making a square version for Facebook or Instagram, right. There’s just there are so many places that videos can go. And same thing with influencers. It’s so, so much more cost effective to do a video advertisement than it was three years ago five years ago. You can production companies aren’t charging as much because there’s it’s easier access to the equipment that you need to make a video businesses can make their own videos, or
Ruth 11:20
And with the technology of a phone for sure can. I mean,
Meghan 11:24
can you imagine doing a video from your phone three years ago? publishing that as a as an ad? I mean, sure, you could post it on Facebook to your profile, right? But no way but you could easily do I mean, Apple does this their shot on iPhone TV commercials where they’re filming like, it looks like a movie scene like I just saw one the other day It looks like it’s like a paint ball. Oh, it’s a snowball fight. Yeah, there’s all these crazy action shots and cinematic movements of cameras and actors and everything and if they didn’t say shot on iPhone on it, you would have no idea
Wow Yeah, there’s so many tools out there now to and just your accessibility to all these things with your phone in general it makes things things can be done a lot easier than probably three years ago now. Oh for sure. Yeah.
Missy 12:15
My other question for you is because because there’s so many different ways you can now resize video like Instagram stories, Instagram feed, Facebook, YouTube, like, how much more time does it take from before like three years ago, like you make the video and you distribute on the channels that next that next set?
Meghan 12:31
I do, I wouldn’t say well, it’s, it’s it’s both faster and it’s more work now. Because now we can with with 4k cameras and even higher resolution cameras and 4k, you could really film once and then crop the size down to whatever network you’re you’re using. Because 4k is so big, you can crop it to vertical and still have it as big of resolution as Instagram stories will allow. So in that sense, you don’t have to necessarily film things multiple times. To get it on multiple channels, but at the same time, that is more editing to be done later, most likely, I’m not taking a video that we have filmed landscape and just cropping the middle out of it for because you’re going to miss some things. And so you’ve got to take into account where the camera moves where the actors move where the, you know, talent is. And so there’s a little bit more finessing of it to go on these multiple different platforms. But you can film it once, which is kind of nice. Yeah.
Missy 13:28
So one of our other most recent episodes, well, in the beginning, Episode 14 was everything you need to know about Google Analytics. So Ruth, how much has Google Analytics changed over the past three years?
Ruth 13:41
I mean, there’s so many additional things that you can track and learn about the audience that goes to your website, that it’s insane. And then there’s multiple additional things that are coming that are just in beta right now that, you know, it’s on one hand, it’s getting creepier and creepier. But from a marketing standpoint, the ability to really know your audience and be able to market to them specifically, like you were talking a minute ago about the niche audiences. We’re getting closer to being able to do that from a marketing standpoint to and only only market to people who like to travel, for example, or just, you know,
Missy 14:20
so another Episode Episode 12 we did was politics on social media, which
Ruth 14:24
I was wondering if you were gonna bring this one up
Missy 14:31
Obviously, that’s happened in the past three years on Facebook specifically, and oh my gosh, think about that with Mark Zuckerberg and court and all of that
Meghan 14:38
and Cambridge Analytica and all that that all happened in the last three years.
Ruth 14:43
That’s crazy. Yeah, that seems like a lifetime ago. Yeah, guys.
Missy 14:49
So I know I’m like now especially when you place ads on Facebook, if you have anything to do with a political affiliation, you have to mark yourself and be verified as that business account to place ads. And they had they have to be completely transparent. So Facebook has an entire section. I just talked about this in my presentation on Facebook advertising, Facebook ad library. You can see other pages and what ads they’re promoting. And they’re specifically a political tab. So you can see how much they’re spending on and what ads they’re using to promote it.
Ruth 15:20
I don’t know how I feel about that.
Meghan 15:22
As a competitor, that’s great. I mean, you can you can look at what other
Ruth 15:25
If I was the business owner though I’d be pretty concerned about that.
Meghan 15:29
Yeah, transparency. That’s what I’m trying to introduce more of it.
Missy 15:32
Yeah. Okay, another episode we recorded was how hashtags can make or break your brand. Do you guys still hashtags are just as relevant as they were three years ago.
Ruth 15:42
You guys probably do. I don’t really pay that much attention to them.
Meghan 15:45
I mean, we still use them on Instagram all the time. I mean, Facebook, not yet. But
Ruth 15:51
a lot of people that use them on Facebook to me, it’s just like, why would you like you don’t know what you’re doing. I didn’t want to say that, but Meghan I’m glad you did.
Missy 16:02
On Instagram is so relevant and I’m really curious, like, I want to go back and like listen to that full episode on what we talked about. But I mean, like, tick tock is like the new thing right now. And there. It’s all hashtag all using hashtags like it’s not hasn’t gone anywhere. So that’s kind of interesting. Now hashtags have stayed true. Through all three of those years.
Meghan 16:21
I mean, we have a hashtag for Hubbard digital Academy today. I mean, Hubbard Academy is our tag. It’s a great way. I mean, I remember using it early on, for like conferences and stuff that I couldn’t attend. I would just pull up Twitter, and read through hashtags of people going to the different sessions and quotes from presenters and stuff that other people attending the conference with post and, you know, it wasn’t just like being there, but you could still get a lot of the information from being there. You know, the bigger it is, the more tweets and stuff you have to comb through, but it’s a great way to an end for us Hubbard Academy. We’ll look we’ll look back later this week, and go and wonder. Wonder what people posted and how they felt about it. It’s a great way to recap stuff and we do it for influencers we do other events and stuff that we do. We create hashtags and ask people to use it so we can go back and look at how it did.
Missy 16:24
Yeah, yeah Say to like, since this is our 6th Hubbard digital Academy, we’ve definitely been better at finding those Instagram moments. So like, like even our the social media podcast today like we have confetti poppers, we have the hundred like gold balloons behind us. You know, it just having those things that people want to take photos of. I think in our first Academy, we noticed everyone was taking pictures of their name badges, because there was nothing else really sexy in the room. So now we have like our big Hubbard Digital Academy sign.
Meghan 17:41
My presentation was super
Missy 17:44
obvious. So I mean, just having you know, creating that really cool experiential space to get people to take photos of the event or business. Yep. One of our very top one of our top episodes was Episode 15 how to create an integrated marketing campaign. And we actually have a presentation today where they’re talking about how to create an integrated marketing campaign.
Meghan 18:07
It’s still a thing.
Missy 18:08
Do you guys think that that has changed a lot over the past three years?
Meghan 18:13
I would say Yeah. Just because of the amount of channels always changing. Yeah, there’s so many things that are new now that weren’t around at that point. But I would say it’s even more critical now than it was before just I heard Elizabeth Reese say on the panel earlier today that one of the things she’s been surprised to find out is that even her personal I mean, she’s a TV celebrity. So personal is a weird term, but her personal social media channels that have different audiences, like her Facebook audience isn’t the same as even her Instagram is so she’s gotten more comfortable posting the same or very similar content on Instagram and Facebook, where for a while, she was like, I can’t post the same thing in both places. But But the more
Ruth 18:57
people aren’t seeing them is what you’re saying. Yeah.
Meghan 18:59
The more channels that are the more that’s going to segment audiences and so you have when you’re doing a marketing campaign you have to be on all these channels even if it’s the same or very similar messaging with the same hashtag or with the same video or creative concepts you you have to reach a wide audience at this point yeah,
Missy 19:17
I think that goes back to what you talked about video to like we’re just gonna shoot a video you have to size it for all of the different areas that you need to go and so whatever creative you have, you have to make sure you think about what areas does that apply best to you whether that’s video content for I’m gonna keep bringing up Tik Tok because I’m so obsessed the right now. I’m like 15 years I you tweet that I know what is wrong.
Meghan 19:39
You tweeted how much you love tik tok?
Yeah, she did.
Ruth 19:42
Why am I so obsessed with this?
Missy 19:48
integrated marketing, personal brand, so I have
Ruth 19:50
I was thinking that like just video on its own in the last three years, we weren’t doing TrueView campaigns three years ago on YouTube. It’s crazy.
Meghan 20:03
How many ads you see?
Missy 20:08
Do you think it’s harder for marketers now to do integrated campaigns because there are so many options. I feel like it gets expensive. It’s like, Okay, well, I’m going to start on YouTube and then I’m gonna have you know, radio and TV and then my you know, tik tok. And it’s almost spread yourself too thin. I think it’s just having to be more educated than we’ve ever had to be before. Because really, not every platform is appropriate for every brand. So, and Monitoring, how, what am I getting out of this? You know?
Meghan 20:41
Yeah, knowing where your audience is. I mean, it puts more pressure on marketers to do more, but it’s also pushing us all to be better too. But yeah, it is more work. I’d say.
Missy 20:53
Okay, Jayna you have to come up here because you are on our second episode. I’m going to pull you into this right Now. So Jana Wilcox, which she was originally Anderson, she got married over the past three years. So that’s another life change. She was on our second episode the makings of a perfect social media contest. How much has contests changed with social media over the past three years
Jayna 21:18
a ton! I was actually joking about this earlier. Because I feel like we I had this as a podcast topic, we used to have it as a Hubbard digital Academy topic as well that I would speak on. And more recently, we’ve changed the way we sell it and how we leverage our radio stations and this so that’s really interesting to me. It’s still relevant and it’s still a thing. I think it’s switched a lot more to comment contests and Instagram and things like that. And absolutely, I think you can still run a sweepstakes that generates leads and things like that, but you’ve just had to think about it in a totally different way in the last three years. We sorry, Pat. Sorry, Pat. I just And I knew that I wanted to talk about this.
Missy 22:05
Okay, so we also did a podcast on podcasting, which I think is so funny. How is podcasting changed in the past three years? insane? Gosh, I mean, oh my gosh, it’s just exploding right now. Like, we actually have someone from pod mn here. And if you guys are from Minnesota listening, I would highly recommend checking that out downloading the app. And it basically combines all of the Minnesota podcasts ours is on there too- shameless plug. which is which is cool. Like you know, it’s basically pulled in Minnesota brands that are on podcasts
Jayna 22:38
Missy and I were in washington dc in the fall and one of our markets so DC, they created a podcast and we kind of we peel back the layers of what it took to create that podcast and what’s it called it 22 hours- American nightmare yeah matter mystery stuff. This will good. so good. Yeah. And they had such great success, but to look at everything that was put into it all the thought and the strategy behind it was really, really, really interesting. But even they said, you know, what they used to do with podcasting had totally changed and even what their success was then has now even evolved and really evolved as they continue to do more.
Missy 23:19
So I feel like that should be one of our future episodes is talking with them and DC about how they built that. That would be really amazing. Really interesting. on there. Yeah. Okay, so I’m just like reading through these episodes, and some of them I’m like, What were we like we did an ASMR podcast that was great, which so much crap for he can’t talk right now. So I’m totally going to like blast him. So it’s actually a lot of good downloads. It was one of our top for a while. Another one we had was the good nuggets, the bad PR and the ugly airways. What was that? What was know what that was, but it Sounds I’m sure you know. What’s an ugly airway? Pat, do you remember what ugly airway was shaking his head? No, it was a long time ago. Oh my gosh, these are just these are gold. It’s It’s weird. Like when I first started, I was very intimidated by it. Because talking into a microphone, it just seems so like, whew, official. You know, if I swear, yeah. And it’s been it’s been a journey over these hundred episodes. I feel like I’m just more casual with and you know, it’s, it’s not as intimidating. You just you just gotta do it. So if anyone wants to use like, I think I’m gonna start a podcast. Just frickin do it. Yeah, start. Because now we’re at 100 episodes, which I never thought we’d had a lot to do with it just pushing me like missy. We gotta get it on the schedule. Be consistent, have cool ideas, pulling awesome people like you guys that like have fun things to talk about. Just do it. Because you have all been on different episodes. Do you have any favorite episodes What you’ve done?
Jayna 24:35
I think for me just watching you guys, it’s almost become, you know, more creative or you look at different topics in a different way where you think, well, that could be a podcast episode and instead of I think before we always thinking, Okay, so what’s the new trend right now? The big like, changing Yeah. And now it’s like, hey, let’s talk about this campaign they ran in South Dakota that everyone else is talking about, and just join me as I’m yeah, like, whatever that is it. I feel like, yes, we still think about it, but it comes more organically to you guys, at least when I’m seeing the topics come out.
Missy 25:00
Yeah, I think that’s a really good point. Like, we’re not just focused on like, the big hot, new, exciting updates. It’s like, really what are those campaigns, getting into the details of them? And then also talking about, you know, weird stuff along the way.
Jayna 25:53
And I think it helps you guys just with your work, to looking at what’s out there and evaluating it and thinking, Oh, our work Could be on someone else’s podcast? Or how would we look at this? And I like that too. When you bring it back to you, well, this is what we would do instead or so being the thought leader.
Missy 26:08
What always amazed me. So I actually spoke on a panel about podcasting a couple months ago. And they talked about like your audience and how to cater the content to them. And one thing I thought was really interesting and Pat and I noticed we’ve done a few episodes were on Twitter, all of these students start tweeting about our episodes. And so I had tweeted back a couple of them be like, how did you find out about us? They’re not even from Minnesota. They’re like, all over the country. Teachers at different schools, like professors are having the students listen to our podcast episodes, and having to write like papers and talk about them. That’s so cool. I was like, that is I mean, you really made it.
Ruth 26:47
can we ask to see some of the papers?
Missy 26:54
we should!
Ruth 26:55
If it’s a critique I don’t want to see it.
Missy 27:01
But it’s just cool. Like, you know, thinking about this would be more for business owners but marketing professors teaching people how to do this is a whole era we never thought of yet because we didn’t learn about podcasting in school. No, that’s half the stuff. I didn’t learn about social media at all in school to be honest.
Ruth 27:19
You guys can’t even believe that can you kind of looked up at the ceiling?
Missy 27:33
So what do you guys think about so obviously, we’re into 100 more episodes. So we’ll be doing this in three more years for our 200th What should we What do you think are 200 episode will be about? You think we’ll be talking on the moon? Oh, my gosh, where’s the world going to be in three years? We will have just gotten back.
Jayna 27:52
I agree with you. I can’t look. One of our markets is now on the moon. out there.
Missy 28:09
I think influencer marketing will still be here. It’s just going to be transformed in a different way to be insane how that changes. Yeah, video content, it’s always gonna be you’re just gonna get more, I think, like things like Tick tock, we’ll we’ll look back into it.
Jayna 28:23
Oh my gosh, you remember when Tick Tock was just starting and when Missy tweeted about it, and I don’t know what it looks like, but it was
Ruth 28:34
What about artificial intelligence? So I think that’s gonna be talking a lot more about.
Missy 28:41
That’s gonna be huge. That would be a great future episode. I think it would we got to get into that a little bit more and just motivation and how that’s gonna work with your marketing in general. What kind of what platforms do you guys think won’t be around anymore? in three years?
Meghan 28:58
I don’t want to call me out right now because I don’t want to be wrong- that’s the thing.
Missy 29:07
are you thinking the big one? I think it has to be right now. No, I wasn’t gonna go that far. Oh, I think it’ll still be around. I think it’s going to be transport. Yeah, like they’re gonna have to figure out while a lot of regulation going on like way more than now.
Meghan 29:19
I was gonna say Snapchat. I don’t know. That’s what I yeah, I think Snapchat. Yeah, I know. Sorry.
Jayna 29:26
Those Gen Z. Is it Gen Z? Yeah, yeah. They’re still on it a lot. But it’s like their form. The way they communicate the way they do it is if you were they take a picture of their forehead and always send back and forth it’s so funny.
Ruth 29:42
Are they like screenshot something and then yeah, they just the facial expression that they send. That’s my question to you and you should know how to answer that. Yeah. Weird. And they do. Yeah, they know how to respond.
Jayna 29:54
Do you think it would go away or anything. It might be something in school, another language option you have like cursive writing
Spanish I’m in French I’m in Snapchat. That’s my prediction that right there will have Snapchat teachers who’s gonna teach ads?
Missy 30:19
Yeah, that’s a good point. Like the thing about the teachers like, yeah, they’re gonna be teaching this more in school. I mean, high school is already starting to teach social media.
Jayna 30:28
Did you bring up How? So? Brandon? From brandography is that his name? Okay. Brandon from Nairobi. Wait, are you talking with Jason or Jason Albert?Wow. Okay, so Jason from brandography. I’m sorry. He was saying that his good friend is a psychiatrist and a big topic right now is Tick Tock addiction. Yeah, it’s an addiction. Oh my gosh, they’re working was Because my dad was on it, yeah, but they’re like using artificial intelligence to predict what you want to see. So that’s how they’re getting these young people just literally addicted to it.
Missy 31:11
I wonder if there’s going to be like, like, you know, like, stop smoking campaigns is gonna be like, stop using social media. It isn’t probably
Ruth 31:19
I read an article from I don’t know who the author is, is terrible. I can’t quote it, but he did a study of your brain. And when you are when you post something, and then somebody likes it or responds to it, that same center in your brain that responds to heroin, lights up
Meghan 31:38
That’s insane.
Missy 31:39
I can’t argue with that. Because I def, you know.
Ruth 31:44
So let’s end on a serious, that’s heavy stuff. Hopefully.
Hey, you know, talk about the good, the bad and the ugly.
Missy 31:56
We’re covering all of it. Yep. Well, I’m So excited to see what our next hundred episodes bring. So everyone, thank you for listening and enjoying the ride for these past three years. Pat, This is nuts. I think we can accomplish 200 sooner than Yes, don’t you? Yeah. Oh, yeah, we’ll keep it consistent. Well, we’ll get there any parting words? Pat, how your journey has been on the social feed podcast?
Meghan 32:23
This has been a lot of fun. I mean, as a as a former radio producer getting getting to do a podcast is it’s my first love. I mean, I love video and everything but but being a part of this has been a lot of fun. And like, like Missy said earlier, it’s just it’s so not threatening. Yeah,
Ruth 32:40
it is really fun,
Meghan 32:42
easy and fun. And we started off wanting to talk to business owners. And I think we still speak mostly to business owners and marketers, but we’re just having fun and talking about stuff that we love and trying to make the world a better place. No, we don’t really care. Let’s try to end on a super positive note. No, but we’ll Link- I’ll try to remember all the episodes we talked about, and link to those. But yeah, just thanks for listening. For those of you who’ve been around if you’ve been around for an episode or 400 episodes, thanks for listening, and we’ll keep going. This isn’t this isn’t the end for sure.
Missy 33:23
And it will again, I always pitch this every time at the end of each episode, but check out our Facebook group, social feed podcasts and let us know if you want to any future episodes that you have ideas for. fresh new ideas. We have a lot of great brains in the building, but we can always use more so let us know what you think. You just got to join socially podcast on Facebook to join. Thank you guys for listening and we’ll be back soon. Bye bye.
Unknown Speaker 33:50
The social feed is a production of Hubbard Interactive with music provided by Minneapolis based artist john Atwell.
On This Episode

Missy Young
Social Media Services Manager
As the Social Media Services Manager for Hubbard Interactive, Missy Young’s position entails working with clients and team members to drive social media strategy and lead initiatives to identify new technologies and digital best practices. She develops customized micro and macro campaigns that drive online interaction, promotes and creates content that enhances the customer experience and creates lead generation for medium to large-scale companies. She regularly speaks at local and national events on a variety of subjects including: social media, PR, analytics and content strategy.

Meghan Bergman
Social Media Strategist
Meghan joined the Hubbard Interactive team as a Social Media Strategist in 2018. She leverages her background in marketing, content creation, and blogging to make a digital impact for her clients across many different brand categories. Hailing from the University of Wisconsin-Madison School of Journalism, Meghan capitalizes on her writing and communications skills to produce creative campaigns, build meaningful relationships with others, and work effectively with her clients. Fueled by coffee, she finds herself consistently staying on top of the latest social media trends and always looking for her next project. When not scrolling through her many social feeds, you can most likely find Meghan working out at the gym, or whipping up a deliciously healthy meal. She is passionate about health and fitness, and recently became certified as a personal trainer.

Ruth Tambornino
Digital Brand Strategist
Ruth Tambornino is the Digital Brand Strategist at Hubbard Interactive, Hubbard’s Digital Agency. Prior to joining Hubbard Interactive, she Senior Manager of Field Strategy at Dex Media. Her role at Dex included bringing new digital products to market, training marketing consultants and working with key client accounts. In addition to Dex Media, Ruth spent a year working with a start up software company as Director of Sale Enablement. Ruth has over 10 years of experience in digital marketing. A former small business owner and Real Estate professional, Ruth understands the challenges business owners face. Her professional focus is to educate business owners on the importance of digital marketing. With solid understanding of messaging and digital platforms, Ruth has worked with 100’s of clients locally and nationally, impacting their business in a positive way. Areas of expertise include PPC, SEO, Digital Display, Websites and Mobile platforms. Over the course of her career, Ruth has received several awards for sales and training. She is certified in Google AdWords and is currently completing her business degree at Saint Mary’s University. She is also on the Board of Directors for Alliance of Women in Media.

Pat Laeger
Digital Content Specialist
Pat has over 10 years of creative production experience and has produced radio shows, video campaigns, podcasts, and other digital content. Pat is an outgoing introvert, a spreadsheet lover, an Oxford comma advocate, and an avid Mountain Dew drinker.

Jayna Wilcox
Senior Digital Sales Strategist
Jayna Wilcox is the Senior Digital Sales Strategist at 2060 Digital. Along with a degree in Strategic Communication, she studied Fashion at the University of Minnesota, which makes her an avid trend seeker across a variety of industries. She is able to see the importance of digital media converting into sales and has an understanding of both a big and small brand standpoint, as she did social media for Mall of America, prior to joining the Hubbard Interactive team. Always interested in the latest and upcoming trends in social & digital media, fashion, and health, Jayna has a very futuristic mindset and is always seeking “what’s next” to improve her clients’ needs. Jayna is a Hubbard NextGen, a group that was selected within the company to come up with ideas for the future.
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